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Energy saving tips

WPD delivers electricity to homes and businesses via a network of overhead power lines and underground cables, but we are not an electricity supplier.

We do understand however, that energy bills can provide financial challenges for many households and as such, we are pleased to support Energy Saving Trust.

The Energy Saving Trust aims to encourage people to take practical actions that will help them take control of their energy bills and save energy.

Top tips to save money and energy 

Here are ways in which you can save money and energy this Winter:

Save on your bills

  • Move furniture away from radiators if you can - it will allow the room to heat up more effectively.
  • Nearly half of people in the UK still need to draught-proof their windows and doors. This could save you £25 to £35 a year.
  • 78% of people regularly leave at least two devices on standby. Turning these off can save you around £30 a year and would save the UK around £600m a year.
  • Consider replacing your standard bulbs and halogen spot bulbs with energy saving light bulbs – you could save £35 a year.
  • If you use only as much water as you need when heating water in a kettle - you could reduce your bills by £7 a year.
  • Spending one minute less in the shower each day could save you £10 a year.

Switch and save

  • Switching to a better energy deal can save you around £200 or more on your energy bills. Or if you’re struggling to pay your bills, contact your supplier to discuss your options to pay what you owe them.
  • You won’t be disconnected when switching to a better energy deal. It’s just the supplier and tariff that change when a household switches energy supplier. Pipes and cables supplying the house won’t need to be changed.
  • If you move house, you don’t need to use the existing supplier that comes with your new home. Shop around and look for a better deal.
  • Prepayment customers can switch energy supplier. If you have a prepayment meter and you owe less than £500, you’ll be able to switch.
  • If you are renting a house, you can switch supplier if you pay your energy supplier directly for your bills.

7 Energy Tips leaflet

You can also download a leaflet with seven Energy Tips here

Further information 

To find out more about getting a better energy deal and winter-proofing your bills, please call the Department for Energy and Climate Change’s (DECC) Energy Advice Service on 0300 123 1234 or visit the Get A Better Deal On Your Energy section of the Citizen's Advice website.