Marsh Green Solar Farm
Ford Oaks Solar Farm Connection Plan
The Electricity (Applications for Consent) Regulations 1990: Regulation 5 - Publication of Notice of Application for Consent under Section 37 of the Electricity Act 1989
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a application is being made by National Grid Electricity Distribution (West Midlands) plc to the Secretary of State at the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero under Section 37 of the Electricity Act 1989, for their consent to erect a new 132kv tee-off connection from existing tower 81AC21 on land off Westcott Lane, Exeter, EX5 2LU (303489, 093015)
The proposed tee-off connection is necessary to facilitate the construction of a solar farm within this area and will consist of 4 pole legs, 4 stay wires / guards and overhead lines being conductors.
A hard copy of the proposal plans can be obtained free of charge by calling 07935 355117 or emailing a request to:
Any representation concerning this Section 37 application should be made referencing the name of the overhead line (81AC21, Marsh Green Solar Farm, Exeter) by email to on or before the 27th September 2024.
Any such objections or representations will be copied to the relevant planning authorities and the applicant unless the person making them requests in writing that they should not be so copied. If there is such a request then the relevant planning authorities and the applicant will only be informed that an objection has been made but no details will be forwarded to them.
Kerry Baker, Consents and Wayleaves Specialist. 07935 355117