We understand and acknowledge that our business carbon footprint has a major impact on our environment and the sustainability of future generations. To address this we have made a commitment to measure and reduce our footprint, including SF6 gas and network losses.
Business Carbon Footprint
Our Business Carbon Footprint (BCF) details the impact that our operational activities have on the environment in terms of associated carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. We measure and report our BCF using equivalent tonnes of carbon dioxide (tCO2e). The data compiled and the figures which we report follow a recognised methodology as described within international business carbon footprint standards, the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reporting protocol and ISO14064-1. All of our published BCF data has been verified and data assured for accuracy and compliance with the standards detailed above.
Our BCF takes account of our energy usage from offices, transport emissions (operational and business), fuel combustion and the release of fugitive emissions (SF6). The reported data for operational transport (road) and fuel combustion also takes account of a number of our larger contractor emissions as required under the Ofgem reporting requirements.
During 2022/23 NGED’s total BCF (excluding losses and including contractors) across all four licence areas has reduced by 2,711 tCO₂e or 4% compared to our 2021/22 BCF. Compared to 2014/15 our BCF has reduced by 38,715 tCO₂e or 38%.
Since 2014/15 our annual BCF (including losses) has reduced by 63.1% or 1,268,392 tCO₂e – the approximate equivalent carbon footprint of heating 470,002 average UK households.
Reducing emissions from vehicles
In line with our core commitments, the ED2 business plan stands to replace internal combustion engines (ICE) with electric vehicles (EV) where suitable alternatives exist. While the market prices for electric vehicles are currently higher than those for diesel models, there are clear environmental benefits, as well as lower fuel and maintenance costs.
To date, 166 small vans have now been replaced with the electric Nissan ENV200. At the end of FY24 C. 207 company cars and C. 256 commercial vans will be EV.
By continuing with our vehicle replacement programme and raising awareness of the impact of driving style and the continued successful implementation of our Driver Behavioural System (DBS) we have been successful in achieving our RIIO-ED1 5% reduction target for annual fuel use whilst maintiaing a positive impact on our vehicle emissions.
Building Energy Use
We operate from 60 offices that vary in age and construction. We know that when refurbishment of these buildings takes place, there are opportunities to improve their energy efficiency.
In the West and East Midlands, many offices were new or refurbished to the BREEAM standard of “excellent” or “very good” when facilities were being developed for our local team based operational structure, and all new builds achieved the “excellent” rating.
In the South West and South Wales our properties are older, with more scope to implement energy savings measures.
Whenever refurbishment work is planned we ensure, where appropriate, that it is carried out to the “very good” standard under BREEAM to reduce energy consumption. The “very good” standard is the highest which can be achieved for a refurbished building.
Local improvements include:
- Installation of motion sensors for lighting
- Improvements to air conditioning units
- Low energy lighting
Property redevelopments improve employee awareness of energy efficiency measures and lead to energy savings. This is evident in the electricity usage we recorded in our overall BCF reporting. At the beginning of RIIO-ED1 we proposed to save 5% of carbon associated electricity used in offices and depots. As demonstrated we have more than met this target with a reduction in excess of 66% since 2014/15.