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Whole System Coordination Register

The Whole System Coordination Register clearly and transparently demonstrates the processes and activities National Grid have undertaken to coordinate and cooperate with other electricity network licensees, and to consider proposals from systems users which seek to advance the efficient and economical operation of our network. With the aim to continuously improve and also to reflect the nature of whole system, NGET have collaborated with NGED to create and publish a single Whole System Coordination Register for 2024. This joint approach will enable other network licensees and users to engage and collaborate with us more efficiently and effectively.

By publishing this register electricity network licensees, users and wider stakeholders can understand what opportunities have been identified and learn from them, advancing not just the electricity system, but the wider Whole Energy System. The register demonstrates compliance with the Whole Electricity System Licence Condition 7A and will be updated at least once every twelve-month period.

The coordination register is evidence based, and detail active and completed actions, rather than forthcoming actions. The information included in the register comprises of:

  • Details of all relevant coordination and cooperation activities completed with other electricity network licensees to develop Whole Electricity Systems outcomes, including data sharing.
  • Details of any actions or processes that have been implemented (or are being implemented) as a result of coordination and cooperation activities completed with other electricity network licensees. As well as a concise and clear summary of actions or processes not deemed to be apt for implementation, including the reason(s) for the decision.
  • Details of all proposals received during a relevant period from system users to advance the efficient and economical operation of electricity distributors’ and/or transmission owners’ networks.
  • Details of any system user proposal that have been implemented (or are being implemented). As well as a concise and clear summary of proposals not deemed to be apt for implementation, including the reason(s) for that decision.

The licence condition refers only to collaboration with other electricity network licensees for Whole System benefit. However, National Grid have also included in the register coordination and cooperation activities which have any actual or potential Whole System benefit for the planning and operation of the network, even if they only involve collaboration with other parties that are not electricity network licensees.

National Grid’s latest Whole System Coordination Register is available to download here and covers the period from 1st April 2023 to March 31st 2024: National Grid Whole System Coordination Register May 2024


Whole System Coordination Register Feedback

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