Customers & Community
We care about our customers and our communities. Here you'll find information about our priority services, how we communicate with our stakeholders and care for our communities.
Priority services
Our priority services provide some extra help, assistance and reassurance for those who need it, including elderly and disabled people.
Our promises to you
We’ve made 5 key promises that ensure we’ll deliver the performance you expect and deserve.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
We’re doing everything to keep your data safe, including adhering to all Data Protection Laws, including EU GDPR.
Smart meter data
Find out how smart meters are helping to transform the way we use energy, helping us all to make smarter and more sustainable energy choices.
Our Social Contract
At National Grid, we are committed to doing the right thing, delivering social and environmental value for our colleagues, customers and wider society
Delivering value for money
We’re committed to delivering our essential services as efficiently as possible, learn how here.
Guaranteed standards
We’re bound by OFGEM to meet guaranteed standards of service. Find out what they are and what we’re doing here.
Meter Point Administration Service (MPAS)
Quickly find out your electricity supplier and Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN) here.
Arranging a visit to your home
Our customer service guide contains our statement for the arrangement of access to premises.
Virtual Site Visits
We are making site visits easier with our virtual service: 'Streem'.
Community energy
Read about how we’re working with our communities to cut the cost of buying, managing and generating energy to become as efficient as possible.
We recognise our responsibility to operate in a way that minimises our impact on the environment.
Community support
We support local community organisations, raising money to help them continue their life changing work.
Health & safety
We strive to keep you, your family and anyone who comes into contact with our services as safe as possible.
Energy saving tips
Learn some simple ways you can cut energy usage and save money on your bills.
Community Matters Fund
We’ve created a fund dedicated to helping local communities affected by fuel poverty.
Your Power Future
Help shape our future by getting involved in our stakeholder engagement programme.
Performance reporting - RIIO-ED1
Discover how we’ve performed in all key categories, including health and safety and reliability.
Connection customer engagement
Customer engagement is a core part of our commitment to improving our connection services.
Our RIIO-ED1 Business Plan
Read our Business Plan to understand how we see the future of power distribution and how we’re going to achieve it.
Customer Engagement Group
Our Customer Engagement group provides independent and impartial guidance on our plans and proposals. Learn about it, including how you can get involved.
Our consultation process
Our customers pay for all we do so have a right to expect a high standard of service and have confidence that we are delivering.
RIIO Accounts
View our accounts and understand how we’re delivering value for money for every pound we spend on power distribution.