Facilitating new neutral markets around flexibility is a key objective in National Grid’s DSO Strategy. This will require us to provide a greater level of information on the performance characteristics of our network than ever before and in a format which is understandable and transparent. We aim to develop this new style of information presentation through close engagement with our stakeholders. As this signposting activity will inform the market ahead of us requesting tenders for flexibility, the data published must match the purpose that we anticipate it will be used for.
A signpost provides general directions to a number of destinations, though does not describe the exact path in the way a map would. In the same sense, National Grid’s signposting information will direct flexibility providers to the different distribution system needs required under a range of scenarios and timings.
In May 2018, we sought views on the visualisation and data provision of our system needs, the document can be found here.
Following a number of responses to our consultation, we are proposing the following outputs which have been guided by our stakeholders:
Continue to publish both signposting and forecasting data in the proposed formats |
Make the raw data available outside our online network flexibility map |
Roll out signposting across all areas where it is anticipated that flexibility can economically provide an alternative to reinforcement |
Openly test the market to compare relevant reinforcement and market flexibility solutions |
Continue to work with other network and system operators through ENA’s Open Networks project to provide a consistent approach to using future energy scenarios and when developing flexibility products and services |
Take a lead in not imposing exclusivity terms within contracts and encourage other network and system operators to adopt a similar approach |
Develop and document supporting information and assumptions in line with the views of a broad stakeholder group |
An aggregated summary of responses received to our consultation can be found here.
We will provide an update of progress against these actions in the first quarter of 2019.
In line with these actions, we are beginning to provide information and data on system needs through our Network Flexibility Map.