Carbon Portal
Funding mechanism | Network Innovation Allowance |
Duration | Apr 2018 - Dec 2018 |
Project expenditure | 150k |
Research area | Transition to Low Carbon Future |
Website address | carbontracer.nationalgrid.co.uk/ |
Regions |
This project follows on from the Carbon Tracing NIA project to benefit from the learning from that project in a number of key areas.
The principle aim of the new project is to facilitate App production by external parties by allowing such parties, once approved, to self-serve using data provided via API by WPD’s hosting service. This approach would allow third party developers to produce Apps and therefore deploy these much more readily than is currently the case, and without WPD having to be directly involved.
The opportunity will also be taken to finesse the existing Carbon Tracer App by using the results of the direct user feedback and analytics available from the first NIA project final report to inform the programme of work. The hosting and support provision will also be extended into Year 2 so as to extend the current commitment to the Carbon Tracer.
- Facilitate exploitation - make WPD operational data used by the existing app available for third party developers/external parties;
- Identify what other data could also be made available and by what means to support other (future) apps; and
- Refine the existing app to improve performance and visibility and consolidate the position of the app in the Carbon footprint awareness space to better serve those customers already using it and to encourage more users to join and use the app.
Essentially all elements are confirming WPDs commitment to the app landscape, considered vital for DSO operations.
There is currently no ready access to WPD data for third party app developers and this renders further automation in the area of app provision both difficult as well as app creation being reliant on WPD itself at the moment. We also need to understand how best to interact with customers/users when developing and supporting apps in an area which will become much more important under the DSO operating model.
Mobile App data server enhancement and existing app refinement. This is an IT project continuing the successful Carbon Tracer app development and initial operations, beyond the original scope of that project, to carry out further improvement and prototyping work. We will use the standard Agile IT development project methodology to implement a set of candidate changes according to evolving customer led view of how to enhance the existing Carbon Tracer app using user feedback which continues to be gathered. The data facilitation piece is the priority and the app enhancement work will be conducted once the data workstream is satisfactorily completed.
In collaboration with the Carbon Trust and working alongside digital agency Enigma Interactive, we have developed a new Carbon Tracer mobile app and website page, both now LIVE!
They have been designed to show interested customers the breakdown of their electricity supply by generation source. This allows us to reveal real time information to consumers on their local energy generation mix and the amount of CO2 produced as a result, also known as its ‘carbon intensity’. In addition to being able to see data at the current time, customers will also see a future projection and past history (each for seven days).
By using the new app, electricity customers will be able to see data from their local area, or anywhere across WPD’s network, which operates across the East and West Midlands, South Wales and the South West. Customers will be able to see how the energy is being generated, taking into account how much energy is coming from nearby solar panels and wind turbines in current weather conditions - for example you can watch the solar power kick-in on sunnier days and increase each day through the year towards the summer months. In addition to renewables, the app also reveals what proportion of electricity is being provided through nuclear energy, fossil fuels, or other energy sources.
Take a look at our Carbon Tracer website at https://carbontracer.westernpower.co.uk
The Carbon Tracer app is now available for download on Apple devices through the App Store and on Android devices through Google Play.