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DSO sees increased competition in its flexibility markets

National Grid Distribution System Operator has awarded flexibility trades across 525 locations on its distribution network in the South West, Wales and the M...


Partnership with St John Ambulance Cymru powering future generation of lifesavers

More than 1,200 children and young people in South Wales have learned basic first aid skills with St John Ambulance Cymru with our funding. The demonstratio...


Engineers protect Cornish endangered butterfly site

A crucial habitat for an endangered butterfly has been protected and improved by staff from Cornwall. As part of our employee volunteering scheme, a team ...


Our support has helped Pembrokeshire children put the T in STEM

The Darwin Centre has given pupils a broad understanding of technology and coding through their TechTastic workshops, after receiving funding from our Commun...


Collaboration project will be key to region’s future energy ambitions

One of our innovation projects is to play a key part in delivering secure, low-carbon energy and unlocking economic growth in the Midlands. The role of our ...


We join Community Energy Wales and Community Energy England

We have become a member of the community energy organisations covering our patch in South Wales, the Midlands and South West to work collaboratively, better ...
